“Hackiton” Revealed: Problematic Treatment of Children With Special Needs in School Transportation
A Jerusalem resident shed light on a troubling story in the Jerusalem Hackiton. Galei Tzahal reported on the case in the morning news
3 באוגוסט 2021 בשעה 21:00:00
The Frustration of the Movement in The North About Employment Rates Turned into A Report in Kahn 11
If we can enjoy perfect view and cheap housing and still work in large companies through Zoom, then why aren’t more Israelis moving North?
3 באוגוסט 2021 בשעה 21:00:00
Investigation Had Revealed: subsidized taxis overcharge disabled people
Our investigation on accessible rides revealed: A third of cab drivers overcharge disabled people by hundreds of percent
27 בינואר 2021 בשעה 22:00:00
Activists Turned Doctors Appointments into a front-page headline in TheMarker
When nine activists make 500 calls: How we mapped the lack of health services in Israel's periphery
26 בינואר 2021 בשעה 22:00:00
A decade later: We joined “Hayot Kiss”to investigate what happened to Polgat laid-off employees
The media often covers the drama behind factories shutting down, but what happens to those employees after the drama is over?